Attending a tribunal hearing can be a daunting prospect, but it's important to know what to expect! There are certain things you should be aware of beforehand, (like researching the legal matter and understanding your rights) so that you feel prepared and ready to participate.

Firstly, it's essential that you arrive on time. The court will likely have a strict procedure for access, such as providing identification or having an appointment time. Be sure to double check the details prior to attending and make sure you don't miss out! Additionally, if you're representing yourself then you may wish to consider taking some notes along with you. This can help make sure that everything is clear and concise when presenting your case.

Furthermore, it's always good etiquette to dress appropriately for the occasion. Whilst there is no official requirement around attire, wearing smart clothing gives off an impression of respectability and professionalism which can work in your favour. Moreover, make sure any documents or evidence needed during the hearing are organised neatly in advance – this can save considerable time during proceedings.

Finally, although there is a lot of pressure involved in attending a tribunal hearing, it's important not to let nerves get the better of you! Make sure that whatever arguments or statements are presented are done so calmly and courteously – don't get flustered or overwhelmed by anything said by other parties involved or the presiding judge. Above all else remain respectful throughout; this will serve as a testament to your character if nothing else does.

In conclusion, tribunal hearings can be intimidating experiences but with proper preparation they needn't be stressful ones!. Having an idea of what is expected from you will help ensure everything runs smoothly - from arrival times through to how documents should be presented - making for an altogether more pleasant experience!